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ShoutOUT Customer

For more than 150 years, Mobil helped customers around the world in every industry to lower costs, improve productivity, enhance equipment efficiency, and become safer and more profitable organizations by constantly improving their product range. Upon introduction to the Sri Lankan market, Mobil has been the image leader with its flagship brand Mobil1 which has a leading share of the worldwide synthetic motor oil market and moreover it has been asserted with premium products such as Mobil Super Series and Delvac Series. Mobil is attached to McShaw (Pvt) Ltd which is a subsidiary of McLerance Group.


Having no stores of their own, Mobil has to rely on third-party venders for the final distribution of goods which restricts their interactions with the end customers. Mobil wanted to launch a campaign where they can engage with their existing customers and collect customer data to maintain a frequent relationship with their customers via different channels. Shoutout was presented with the challenge of developing a campaign that would allow Mobil to engage with the customers and gather customer data to establish direct communication henceforth.


ShoutOUT developed a one-off campaign enabling Mobil to gather information about its end users by introducing a scratch code competition. Upon purchase, the customers were asked to send the secret scratch code placed on the oil cans to see whether they have won a reward. ShoutOUT has developed the business logic where customers get rewarded based on random selection. Moreover, the reward pool was managed in the ShoutOUT backend where customers get rewarded instantly with a reward available in the pool. In the ShoutOUT dashboard, Mobil admins can see real-time logs on all the SMS received, rewards redeemed, and all the people who participated in the campaign. Further, they can instantly connect with their customers using the ShoutOUT campaign.

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